Sunday, March 20, 2011

Real Lawyers have blogs

The title makes reference to the name of one of the approximately 40 blogs followed by Nordic Lawyers . Nordic Lawyers brings together blogs and sites that cover legal affairs and developments – hopefully cases, articles, personalities and trends of interest to group members and to the community. Our blog roll gives you a selection of blogs from Europe and the US, however the selection makes no claim to be exhaustive.
Some of the entries this week:

Real Lawyers have blogs entry comments on LinkedIn which now, according to the author, serves as professional profile of record for lawyers .

"For decades Martindale-Hubbell served as the professional profile of record for attorneys and law firms. Their day has past. LinkedIn has replaced Martindale-Hubbell. Not only does LinkedIn serve as your profile as a lawyer, but LinkedIn provides a vibrant networking platform to network within the industries and communities you're looking to grow your practice. "

The Lawyerist discusses Facbook Pages vs Facebook Profile, and recommends Facebook Pages and concludes:  "Don’t give up the useful tools available to you by staying with a Facebook profile instead of a page. Convert your account to one you use for yourself, still an excellent networking tool, and take advantage of the opportunities provided by a page. Working with a page and an account together you can make your Facebook presence and marketing opportunities even stronger than before"

Lawyers Life shares thoughts about how to quit your job without burning your bridges. "Quit with a smile. Give a decent amount of notice. Don't forget the bonus. Keep busy until you leave and finally - suggestions - how to handle that exit interview?"

iPhone J.D (Lawyers using iPhone) gives updates for Lawyers using iPhone and other gadgets -this week the iPad 2. TopLawyerCoach, Legal Business Development and Legal Marketing blog discuss issues such as “4 ways to manage Clients expectations”, “How to improve the management of legal teams” and “How satisfied are your clients? Ask them”.

Other blogs comments European Law, Monetary Law, Legal Theory and Legal history.

The International Bar Association and Opinio Jure this week addresses Libya.

The International Bar Association : Justice for Libya: Local or ‘international’ - "At present, the future of the North African country hangs in the balance. Gaddafi’s forces are marching on Benghazi, the central hub of the resistance movement, while the international community tears through the final layers of red tape to give planes the go-ahead to take to the skies. Few believe the struggle will be easy. But win or lose, should Gaddafi survive the conflict, he may find himself facing legal action for his aggressive stance against the Libyan people. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has already opened an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity committed since 15 February, and the Prosecutor has said he hopes to make an arrest warrant within the next few months".

Opinio Jure - Libya and the Three models of the Security Council.
The author discusses ways in which the Security Council might function, for some given situation, in regards to international peace and security. The three modes discussed are: "The Security Council as the “management committee of our fledgling collective security system"... as the “concert of the nations ... or as the “talking shop of the nations .. Moreover, if the world is in fact becoming more multipolar, one might expect the Security Council to have fewer, not more possibilities, for being the “management committee” or the “concert of nations.” A multipolar world is more intensely competitive, not cooperative ... It tends toward the last of these three modes, not the first two."


Hopefully you will find some entries interesting, and return to this page regularly for updates. Feel free to suggest blogs relevant for this page – suggestions are welcome. Please post a comment below.

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