Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nordens Dag 23.mars

Nordens Dag markeres 23.mars - dagen da Helsingforsavtalen ble inngått. Avtalen ble undertegnet 23.mars 1962 og danner grunnlaget for det nordiske samarbeidet. Helsingforsavtalen finner du her.

To jubileer i år - Nordisk råd blir 60 år och Helsingfors-avtalen fyller 50!

Introduktion til det officelle nordiske samarbeide:

From Norræna félagið :

The Norden Association- working for nordic co-operation
"The Norden Associations are the oldest organizations for promoting Nordic co-operation in all fields, officially as well as unofficially. Separate Norden Associations in Denmark, Norway and Sweden were founded in 1919. In 1922, in Iceland, and in 1924 in Finland. In 1951, a Nordic organization was set up on the Faroe Islands (an autonomous group of islands in the North Atlantic belonging to Denmark), and in 1979, on the Aland islands in the Baltic sea. They are under the administration of Finland. In 1991 the Norden association was established in Greenland (autonomous part of Denmark).

The Norden Association is a politically independent organization (NGO) with approximately 70 000 members throughout the nordic countries. The Federation of the Norden Associations is the umbrella organization for the Norden Associations. The aim of the Norden Association is to stimulate and improve Nordic co-operation at all levels, especially in the fields of education, culture, the labour market, industry, mass media, international aid and environmental care."


Friday, March 16, 2012

Evaluering av politiets innsats 22. juli

Fra Politiets nettsid hitsettes:

"Politiets evalueringsutvalg etter 22. juli har overlevert sin rapport til politidirektøren. Utvalgets rapport viser at politiet ikke var dimensjonert for å håndtere alle utfordringene i kjølvannet av hendelsene i Oslo og på Utøya 22. juli. Samtidig viser rapporten at alle involverte tjenestepersoner gjorde sitt ytterste under et enormt press, i en ekstrem og uoversiktlig situasjon."

Last ned rapporten her:

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